Agents [es_my_agents]

The shortcode below will work for PRO & Premium versions.


Displays list of agents. Also used for agency search results. Alternative shortcodes are [es_agents], [agents].

layout=grid (or list)
posts_per_page=Num agents to show per one page
disable_navbar=1 (or =0). Visible by default (0)
show_sort=1 (or =0). Show or hide sort field in navbar
show_total=Show or hide num of listings in navbar
show_page_title=1 (or =0). Show or Hide page title shortcode, helpful for page builder pages
show_layoutsv. Show or hide layout switcher in navbar
sort=newest (or highest_rating, or reviews)
limit - Num of agents to show. Also disable pagination if the argument is set
page_num - Default current page number
agents_id - Comma separated agents IDs to show
page_title - Show the title you need
ignore_search - 1 (or =0). Default is 0. Set to 1 if you want to ignore search form results for this shortcode
enable_search=1 (or =0). Default is 0. Set to 1 if you want to display search form above listings navbar
search_type - see [es_search_form] - search_type
enable_ajax - 0 (or =1). Enable ajax search, it's enabled by default
view_all_page_id - Page ID for view_all_link_name button
view_all_link_name - helpful if you need to rename "View all" button
disable_pagination=0 (or =1). Show or Hide pagination. 1 - to hide


- displays agent single page

id - agent ID