Fields Builder

No need to hire a developer. Your content is in your hands. Create custom paragraphs and fields via user-friendly forms and advanced settings.

Make fields required or non-required

Multi-choice or select

Public or private
Limit access to specific fields for selected roles.

Wide choice of field types
(text, drop-down, price, area, URL, phone, and more).

Unlimited custom fields and paragraphs

Add as many fields and paragraphs as needed. No more templates and adjustments which are hard to implement. Our Fields Builder with great UI allows you to build a page as simply and efficiently as possible. You can change their order, copy, delete or edit them, change their placement and assign to new paragraphs.


If you lack any filter in search tool, you can add it here! Make any custom field searchable in FB and select it in Estatik Search to display on front-end.

It becomes even more powerful together with Data Manager